We wanted to get to know each other better, so the first exercise was to create a collage of ourselves in poster form and introduce ourselves.
We presented some design laws to the participants and now it was a matter of finding examples on our campus and capturing them photographically. We printed out the pictures and exchanged ideas.
On the second day, the first task centred on arranging the photos in the room. How can I re-arrange the photo in the room in a creative way?
We mixed various proverbs together and asked the participants to let off steam. Whether collage, photography, text only.
"Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst fällt nicht weit vom Stamm"
"Wer im Glashaussitzt findet auch mal ein Korn"
Of course, we didn't want to miss out on the experience of working in a photo studio, so we gave it our all for one afternoon. The participants were asked to bring along objects that were of interest to them. And then we got started.
We created so much and placed so much in the room that we now wanted to present our results. Some finalised their works and arranged the collages, photos and still lifes in the room.