The illustration and animation team focussed on exploring different approaches. From abstract tasks to tasks that were described in detail, everything was included. We met in the morning at cc: and did a check-in in the garden before going upstairs and mastering the tasks together.
It was important to Lena and me that we took part in the tasks ourselves to show the summer schoolers that we also have to wrestle, that a design can sometimes look silly or that great things can be created. The summer school students welcomed this approach.
Our course started with abstract illustrations and design.Every morning, Lena and I gave a short lecture on the topics to be covered that day.
Halfway through the week, we focussed on the end result and took the curves towards animations. At the beginning, we presented different animation styles and asked the summer school students what they would like to do and what they would like to take with them.
Unfortunately, After Effects wasn't working in the Lyceum's computer pool and we had to spontaneously change our plans. We bought magazines and started making a 2D stop-motion animation. We developed a rough story. Now we started to coordinate with each other. Everyone had to help each other. In our opinion, this greatly increased communication and initiative.
Lena and I started the workshop with a warm-up exercise in which the participants were asked to choose one Dadaist word from a list and illustrate it. This exercise helped the participants to develop their creativity and get in the mood for the tasks ahead.
Metaphernspucke, Buchstabenklosett, Lyriklisttier, Speichelreim, Metaphernatter, Poesiephimose, Speichelkäsegedicht, Silbenschiss, Wortabort
In the next step, Lena and I assigned each participant an emotion to represent using abstract shapes. This task allowed the participants to explore the connection between geometric shapes and emotional expressions.
We provided the participants with different shape templates and asked them to make creative works by combining several shapes on top of each other. This exercise furthered their understanding of composition and design principles.
In this task, Lena and I gave the participants different pens with different colour combinations. They were to use these 3-4 pens to create contrasts with certain words. This helped them to better understand and apply the effect of colour combinations.
We introduced the participants to animation by teaching them how to represent simple movements of objects in frames. This helped them to understand how objects move and how to visualise these movements.
Lena and I showed the participants how to use a perspective grid and how to create contrast, hierarchy and emotion in it. This task deepened their knowledge of perspective representations and their influence on the perception of a design.
For the final project, the participants worked in groups of two on a joint collaged stop-motion animation. Each group created a scene for a joint film. This project allowed them to apply what they had learnt and strengthen their teamwork and creative thinking.